Russian Anti-Missile S/400 India Permanently Secure His Territories

we think that it may be the best decision of India to make a deal to purchase Anti-Missile system S400 from Russia to secure his territories from any enemy and secure their the country from any attack of any type from any missile, any aircraft, stealth aircraft and any drone of any kind.after the execution of anti-missile s400 India will be free to take any action with those elements who are disturbing India without any fear of any kind. it is known to every one that India has no intensiveness to disturb other countries but their enemies always try to demoralize with bad intention from the start of independence of India so that this country can not get progress as he can. India was always in their try to solve any problem in a peaceful manner but remain in vain as their enemies are united may have an extra edge to make an atmosphere of conflict. in spite that India may always right but has to tolerate many aggression.but after when the s400 anti-missile will be deployed India then will be in a position to get justified decisions of their problems with other enemy countries and go ahead fearlessly concentrate to solve the problems of the people of his country.


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