-----only hardwork is the key of success---

we feel and understand that we have to put that much hard word as much the things have been gone bad.we also have to access the things that why mostly people do not believe in good thinking and things.there is not a fault of those who do not believe in good thinking as their mind do not ready to accept the things as per their mental level as.they found no interest and see no benefits.they also think be a wastage of time and energy.they also think that those who talk about good thinking -good thoughts they think them with strange that why they are doing so.good persons have to deal with diplomacy and expand there capability to understand their problems and their level of thinking as compare to themselves.politeness will play a major roll to divert their way of thinking in the right direction.we also know that we have never seen in history or there may be very few examples when common persons thinks and have believe in goodness.main reason may be that they devote very less or give no time to talk discuss regarding what is good or bad.first we have to create such atmosphere that every one take some interest and give some time to know these things.actually these things will give huge benefits to them but as per the circumstances prevailing at this time they have deprive from this usefulness only due to that no one have not try to put their hard work so much as require by them to improve their selves. those persons who have  attain the capability and capacity and do the welfare work to others-  have to work hard more and more as needed only then our problems will start minimizing the poverty pains and sorrows of every one from every where.


  1. we know that hard work is a key to success.but we should also know where we put our hard work first and what is to be our prioty.

  2. first we have to think over that where we want to put our hard word is a right thing--so that our time and enery should not be wasted


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