-------in India, extreme anger -another rape case,baby of 5 year old-----

no one can believe that maybe 1 or2 persons have raped with a very minor baby of 5 years old for 2 days and have injected 1cammel and 1 bottle of 200 mm in the stomach through her delicate or gain.she was crying very badly with extreme pain but it has no effect on that person who is doing such actuality. how can a persons be so extreme bad.what is the thinking and state of mind who allow him to do such an extremely brutal act --to make all the make kind shameful.they have no fear in their mind and think that they cannot be cached by the police.it may be  due to lack of knowledge and the trend that what they think is right and presetting issue in their mind to do what they think.everyone is extremely annoyed and angry and feels helpless how can these things can be stopped or minimize to a minimum. not only Delhi police but police of everywhere may be doing such behaviour. persons come to police and want appropriate action but they think everything as minor thing - waste their time and want to do another work.but when it becomes a big issue --when they start taking action and capture the culprits.due to laziness they destroy their worth.police persons should think that to do their work is their duty -and their politeness will prepare them to know the seriousness of the things should not be destroyed and do their constructive work to fulfill their consignments-to give and ensure justice to every one. they also feel that the persons responsible for such a worse rap incidence may be given punishment within the shortest period so that the emotions of the people can get some or more satisfaction. but it also tells us that the things are not going according to our cultural tradition and philosophy of the country.our country is going in the way to inclined towards western culture


my shouts -logical blog on social political issues

--------anti-rape law of india---------

---when we feel the uses of goodness---

strategy of congress party in national herald case