--------anti-rape law of india---------

we feel that why the rape cases have happened in  India.in spite of that there was already a very strong law for protection for rape cases but now India have passed a law which will make a psychological impression so that no one can do the brutal  and cruel act which compel us to think that those persons who rape and gang rape with the females are human being or not.what they get from doing so taking with so much danger.it may be due to the reason that there is a difference between the western culture and the eastern culture.in India female thinks and in the view point that to make sex before marriage is a matter of their self respect and they do not want before marriage.these thoughts are coming in their mind from generation to generation and it is their culture.they do not feel easy as what their parents and brothers sisters will  feel and think- very much hurt.but after Independence and 1 or 2 decades the thinking of female and males  have been changed to some or more extent.but as they are not independent before the age of 25 to 30 when she/he have any job and become independent as the western counties where as we feel they become independent at the age of 16 or 18.they can work independently and free from their parents and brothers to interfere in their matter we also feel that in this way there will be no certainty that after marriage their habit may be changed or not.that is why Indian culture have the effect that there will be some or more control on males and females so that there should be no doubt after marriage to any one to where they have to spend all remaining life.but as per the stick law of anti rape it will have the huge effect on them who try to rape any female.after few months it will minimize these shame full cases and no one have dare to rape any female.it will effect great in the coming months.


  1. what i feel it is the one of the best article i have read.very logical view points and analysis of the things.


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