----regarding my shouts------

we feel and understand that the things are not going in the right direction now a days.every one is doing in their own ways.individual freedom and rules and regulations have as we feel a clear misunderstanding.we are doing the things what is in our favor and do not want any care of others.when the bad things have happened we think that after that now the things may go in the right direction but again the things repeated again and again- we do not know what should  do to improve the things.we do not know what are good things and why these are not having interest of the people to become good.as we feel that if we have lack of knowledge what we think will not be right.but our knowledge as much we have ---think that it is right and make ourselves over-confident to the things.this is happening with every one.these having lack of knowledge persons with their over-confidence as they thing and confirmed themselves that they are right- dominating every where and destroying the society.good persons have to unite to fight and give logic's to change them so that they can realize and understand right things .good persons try to dominate every where and do as their duty.we appeal them to kindly perform their duty not only for ourselves but see the others interests also which is all in favor of every one we are also the part of this and save the society.


my shouts -logical blog on social political issues

--------anti-rape law of india---------

---when we feel the uses of goodness---

strategy of congress party in national herald case