-------how we remain fit and healthy-------

we feel and think that due to over eating --the undigested food create the gas in our body which is the main problem of our health. and if  any organ damage is not working properly our body suffer a big loss to our effectiveness. slowly and slowly it reduce our proper functioning of the organs and we lost the confidence and looks old in the early stage of our life. if we do not- care our body for that if we exercise daily to remain fit.but when we left  exercising (which is to give shape to our body)-,body will react more aggressively and we realize the reaction that our body become more fatty having more gas in our body.doctor suggestion in this regard is that we have to take light breakfast--heavy meals and light dinner.some one doctors say take heavy breakfast light lunch and heavy dinner.different experts different views and thinking. if we can not take precautions and  not to take heavy and oily food and junk food.main point is that we can not stick but compel by our taste to take heavy diets--------TO REMOVE ALL THESE PROBLEMS ----we want to tell you- please try that -take heavy breakfast and lunch but at night take A rest for dinner with in 2-3 days of the week do not take any thing or very very small meals or milk. it will balance every thing.after doing so our problems will be solved.we remain fit and healthy -slim and active  --and have a glove at our face and never look old at  the old age.if we have a very heavy and fatty body do not take meals at dinner as the problem persist and have fats in the body-------HAVE A TRY AND SEE THE THINGS AND ALWAYS WE SHOULD TEST OUR BODY THAT OUR BODY ORGANS ARE SAFE TIMELY --IF ANY PROBLEM TAKE MEDICINES TREATMENT AND PRECAUTIONS AS SUGGESTED AND AD VICED BY THE DOCTORS.we feel that the results will be with in 3-5 days like a magic.


  1. it is very simple to emplement and we should try to see the results.


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